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Public Health Nuisances


Western Plains Public Health environmental health practitioners will inspect public health nuisances under the authority granted through North Dakota Century Code 23-35-09.  A public health nuisance can be defined as a condition, activity, or situation that interferes with the use or enjoyment of property and is injurious to health.  the nuisance is a public issue when it unreasonably interferes with a right common to the general public.  Examples may include breeding areas for flies, collection of sewage, water serving as a mosquito breeding area, rat harborages, bed bugs and other mediums of disease transmission.

If you are aware of a public health nuisance, source of filth, and/or cause of sickness, please call our office at 701-667-3370 or complete the webform provided:


Rental Housing
Standards Complaint Process

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

Retail Food License & Inspection Program

Burger and fries

ServSafe® Certification Course and Exam
Tuesday ~ December 3, 2024 ~ Dream Center Bismarck


Food Safety Training & Certification for Western Plains Public Health

Temporary Food Event Coordinator Application

  FOOD CODE         

Announcement: The Food and Beverage Establishment Code has been updated from the 2013 FDA Code to the 2017 FDA Code per WPPH's agreement with North Dakota Department of Health and Human Service's-Division of Food and Lodging. This change will be in effect starting January 1, 2024.

The North Dakota Century Code Chapter 23-09 empowers the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Food and Lodging to enforce the North Dakota Requirements for Food and Beverage Establishments (North Dakota Administrative Code 33-33-04.1).  Western Plains Public Health has a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Food and Lodging for restaurants, limited restaurants, school kitchens, bar/taverns (with or without food), bakeries, retail meat markets, retail food stores, mobile/temporary foodservice establishments, childcare foodservice establishments, tattoo/body art and tanning facilities within our jurisdiction of Grant, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux Counties and the city of Mandan. Western Plains Public Health recognizes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Model Food Code as the most practical, science-based guidance for ensuring that food offered at retail and in food service is safe, unadulterated and honestly presented.


License Type

2024 Fee

Bakery (<5000 square feet)


Bakery (>5000 square feet)


Bar/Tavern (Brewery)




Limited Restaurant


Mobile Food/Temporary Food Per Event


Multiple Establishment (<5000 square feet)


Multiple Food Establishment (>5000 square feet)


Restaurant (seating less than 75)


Restaurant (seating 75-150)


Restaurant (seating greater than 150)


Restaurant (caterer)


Restaurant (seasonal)


Retail Food Store (seasonal)


Retail Food Store (<5000 square feet)


Retail Food store (>5000 square feet)


Retail Food Store (meat) (<5000 square feet)


Retail Food store (meat) (>5000 square feet)




Plan Review


Temporary Food Event Coordinator Application


Burn Variance for Open Burning

 Erin Ourada, MPH, REHS/RS

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality's Division of Waste Management provides approval for controlled burns within landfills not the Division of Air Quality.   
Application for Open Burning Variance at Landfills 

The Division of Air Quality permits open burning in WPPH's jurisdiction for burns that occur outside of landfills. Please complete the following form and obtain the appropriate signatures before submitting for approval.
Application for Open Burning Variance

North Dakota Administrative Code 33.1-15-04 describes open burning restrictions in North Dakota. 

For more information, please visit the Division of Air Quality website.

If you witness anything that hinders public health within Sioux, Grant, Morton, Oliver and Mercer Counties, please file a complaint. Your name and contact information will remain anonymous.

Body Art Safety & Sanitation

Tatoo Artist

Western Plains Public Health licenses and inspects body art establishments for sanitation and public health safety on a routine, complaint, and investigative basis.







2024 Body Art Fees
Body Art Studio $115
Body Art Technician* $60
Temporary Body Art Studio $50
Temporary Body Art Technician $30
* License is renewed every 2 years based on the original application
date of licensure.  All other fees are due by December 31st of each year.


Services Provided In:

Grant, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux Counties

 Lana Schmidt, REHS/RS

Emily Pearson, EHP

Submit a Complaint
If you witness anything that hinders public health
within the counties serviced, please file a complaint.


Alcohol Prevention



Western Plains Public Health is involved with many different campaigns and strategies to reduce alcohol consumption for youth and adults. Please click the links below to find out more about these strategies and how they may benefit you, your business, your family, and your friends.

Responsible Beverage Service Training: Responsible Beverage Server (RBS) Training is a class for everyone who owns, manages, or works in a business that serves alcohol. This two hour training covers information that will help keep the public safe from alcohol-related harm, while keeping the business and server safe from legal liability. 

Parents Lead: Resources for parents to help reduce youth access to alcohol and youth rates of drinking

Speak Volumes: Know the size of your alcoholic beverage and the risks of binge drinking.

Social Host


What is a social host?

Social host refers to someone who hosts a party where alcohol is served on property they control (own/rent/lease). Social hosts can be held responsible for these parties if underage people are served, regardless of who furnishes the alcohol. House parties are a primary setting for underage drinking for high school and college students. There is often a high consumption of alcohol and binge drinking at these parties.


How do adults contribute to the problem?

  • Adults who purchase alcohol for those under age 21
  • Look the other way when teens talk about their drinking
  • Host teenage drinking parties in their homes


What punishments exist for those who are social hosts?
In ND, providing alcohol to a minor may result in punishment up to the maximum of:

  • $3,000 Fine
  • 365 Days in Jail


How can social hosting be prevented?

Communities can provide education about social hosts laws. In addition, communities can have a social host ordinance. It allows law enforcement to cite the individual who hosted the underage drinking party on their property.


Parents are the most important influence in their child’s lives. Make sure your child understands the risk involved with alcohol and other substance use.  Clearly state expectations for them and what will happen if they break the rules regarding substance use. Be involved and know who, what, where & when related to your child’s activities. Have ongoing conversations to help your child make better choices and live a healthier life.


What is Women's Way?

Women's Way may provide a way to pay for breast and cervical cancer
screenings for eligible North Dakota women.  Women's Way may also
provide patient navigation services to help women overcome barriers
and get timely access to quality care.  Limited diagnostic procedures
are also available to women enrolled in Women's Way.

What does Women's Way pay for?

   • Office visits for breast and/or cervical cancer screenings 
   • Mammograms
   • Pap Tests           
   • HPV tests
   • Breast or cervical diagnostic tests

Women who may be eligible:

   • Live in North Dakota
   • Are ages 40 through 64
   • Are ages 21 through 39, have breast symptoms (lump), are at high risk
     for breast cancer, are due for a Pap test or need breast or cervical
     diagnostic procedures
   • Have insurance that does not cover Pap tests and/or Mammograms
     or cannot afford to pay for deductible or co-payments or does not have

Counties served are Grant, Mercer, McLean, Morton,
Mountrail, Oliver, Sioux and Standing Rock Reservation

Contact Information:

Jade Gross, RN - Program Coordinator

Leah Jaskoviak - Program Assistant

For program information and to check eligibility, click HERE

Women's Way Resource Fund Information & Application, click HERE

Women's Way Resource Fund Information & Application (Spanish), click HERE

Remote video URL

WIC (Women, Infants, & Children)

mother and child

What is WIC?

WIC is a federal nutrition program that provides nutrition information, breastfeeding information and support, nutritious foods, health screenings, and referrals to other services.

Who Can Receive WIC?
You must be:

  • a pregnant women;
  • a breastfeeding woman (up to one year after giving birth);
  • a new mother (up to six months after giving birth); or
  • a parent, guardian or caretaker who has an infant or child younger than 5 years of age.

You must have a nutritional health risk.  The WIC staff will be able to find a risk by checking your height, weight, and iron count, and having you fill out a nutrition questionnaire and medical history.

Your gross household income must be within WIC Guidelines (see below).
Note: You may have a job and still meet these guidelines.

May 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

1 $27,861 $2,322 $536
2 $37,814 $3,152 $728
3 $47,767 $3,981 $919
4 $57,720 $4,810 $1,110
5 $67,673 $5,640 $1,302
Each Additional
Member Add
$9,953 $830 $192

*Pregnant women count as two.

If you are on TANF, Medical Assistance, Healthy Steps or Food Stamps, you will be eligible for WIC.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

North Dakota WIC Program  Provides complete details about the North Dakota WIC Program.
Person camping


Remote video URL



This is Quitting Assists people ages 13-24 to quit vaping through a free and anonymous texting program designed to help them quit vaping. In addition, it provides resources for parents. Teens and young adults can join for free by texting VAPEFREEND to 88709.

My Life My Quit for Teens Assists people under the age of 18 who are addicted to nicotine through cigarettes, chew, or e-cigarettes/vaping devices through a free and confidential program. Text or call 1.855.891.9989 for real-time coaching.

NDQuits Provides free counseling, advice and support, along with free nicotine replacement products for those who qualify. Call 1.800.QUIT.NOW (1.800.784.8669).

American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program Assists members of Tribal Nations to quit tobacco use that is not a part of their cultural heritage. Learn more about program eligibility by calling 1.855.372.0037.

Sharps Kiosk





Kiosks available in
Beulah & Mandan

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Coal Country
Community Health Center
1312 Hwy. 49 N., Beulah

♦ ♦ ♦

Western Plains Public Health
403 Burlington Street SE, Mandan

♦ ♦ ♦

Child & Adolescent Health

Students sitting in desk

Western Plains Public Health consults with schools on communicable disease control and follow-up, immunizations, health education for students and staff, vision screening, oral health, and may assist with the development of health plans for children with special health needs.

Please contact your local Western Plains Public Health office for more information.

Available Resources:

Vision Assistance: 
VSP Eyes of Hope (formerly Sight for Students) Program will pay for an exam and one pair of glasses for qualifying students.  Contact your local Western Plains Public Health office for more information.

Insurance:  Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide no-cost or low-cost health coverage for eligible children in North Dakota. These programs provide health coverage for children so that they can get routine check-ups, immunizations and dental care to keep them healthy.

Even if your child has been turned down in the past or you don't know if they qualify, you may be able to get health coverage now.

For more information call 1-800-755-2604 (Medicaid) or 1-800-318-2595 (CHIP) or visit Insure Kids Now.

Immunizations Required for Child Care & School Attendance:  Immunizations are available from your healthcare provider or from your local Western Plains Public Health office.  Click here to view immunization requirements.

Disease Fact Sheets:  The ND Department of Health and Human Services provides fact sheets for various diseases and conditions.
Click here to view facts sheets.