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Retail Food License & Inspection Program

Burger and fries
ServSafe® Certification Course and Exam
Wednesday, May 14th - SW District Health Unit, Dickinson


Food Safety Training & Certification for Western Plains Public Health

Temporary Food Event Coordinator Application

Regulations:  FOOD CODE         

Announcement: The Food and Beverage Establishment Code has been updated from the 2013 FDA Code to the 2017 FDA Code per WPPH's agreement with North Dakota Department of Health and Human Service's-Division of Food and Lodging. This change will be in effect starting January 1, 2024.

The North Dakota Century Code Chapter 23-09 empowers the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Food and Lodging to enforce the North Dakota Requirements for Food and Beverage Establishments (North Dakota Administrative Code 33-33-04.1).  Western Plains Public Health has a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Food and Lodging for restaurants, limited restaurants, school kitchens, bar/taverns (with or without food), bakeries, retail meat markets, retail food stores, mobile/temporary foodservice establishments, childcare foodservice establishments, tattoo/body art and tanning facilities within our jurisdiction of Grant, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux Counties and the city of Mandan. Western Plains Public Health recognizes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Model Food Code as the most practical, science-based guidance for ensuring that food offered at retail and in food service is safe, unadulterated and honestly presented.

License Type


Bakery (<5000 square feet)


Bakery (>5000 square feet)


Bar/Tavern (Brewery)




Limited Restaurant


Mobile Food/Temporary Food Per Event


Multiple Establishment (<5000 square feet)


Multiple Food Establishment (>5000 square feet)


Restaurant (seating less than 75)


Restaurant (seating 75-150)


Restaurant (seating greater than 150)


Restaurant (caterer)


Restaurant (seasonal)


Retail Food Store (seasonal)


Retail Food Store (<5000 square feet)


Retail Food store (>5000 square feet)


Retail Food Store (meat) (<5000 square feet)


Retail Food store (meat) (>5000 square feet)


Plan Review


Temporary Food Event Coordinator Application $100