Western Plains Public Health is involved with many different campaigns and strategies to reduce alcohol consumption for youth and adults. Please click the links below to find out more about these strategies and how they may benefit you, your business, your family, and your friends.
Responsible Beverage Service Training: Responsible Beverage Server (RBS) Training is a class for everyone who owns, manages, or works in a business that serves alcohol. This two hour training covers information that will help keep the public safe from alcohol-related harm, while keeping the business and server safe from legal liability.
Parents Lead: Resources for parents to help reduce youth access to alcohol and youth rates of drinking
Speak Volumes: Know the size of your alcoholic beverage and the risks of binge drinking.

What is a social host?
Social host refers to someone who hosts a party where alcohol is served on property they control (own/rent/lease). Social hosts can be held responsible for these parties if underage people are served, regardless of who furnishes the alcohol. House parties are a primary setting for underage drinking for high school and college students. There is often a high consumption of alcohol and binge drinking at these parties.
How do adults contribute to the problem?
- Adults who purchase alcohol for those under age 21
- Look the other way when teens talk about their drinking
- Host teenage drinking parties in their homes
What punishments exist for those who are social hosts?
In ND, providing alcohol to a minor may result in punishment up to the maximum of:
- $3,000 Fine
- 365 Days in Jail
How can social hosting be prevented?
Communities can provide education about social hosts laws. In addition, communities can have a social host ordinance. It allows law enforcement to cite the individual who hosted the underage drinking party on their property.
Parents are the most important influence in their child’s lives. Make sure your child understands the risk involved with alcohol and other substance use. Clearly state expectations for them and what will happen if they break the rules regarding substance use. Be involved and know who, what, where & when related to your child’s activities. Have ongoing conversations to help your child make better choices and live a healthier life.